Monday, December 28, 2015

This Year Make Every Season, Bikini Season

A short post on resolutions, bikini season, and my past year

2016 is just a few days away! Maybe you have thought about a resolution, maybe you have blown it off. Well this year, I urge you to make a resolution that you will keep, one that sets you up for success.

My resolution for this year is to make every season, bikini season. Winter can make it very difficult to think about wearing a bathing suit, because if you're anything like me, you are hiding away in an oversized sweater. Sure the sweater covers the fat and you don't have to worry about it, but what follows winter? Spring and summer, aka Bikini Season. When it's nice and warm outside, chances are, you won't want to be wearing a sweater. So this year don't wait for bikini season to come around to push you to get into shape, treat every season like it is bikini season.

There's no better feeling than feeling good about your body all year long. Last year, in early March, I decided to get into shape for "bikini season", and I did. But I wish I would have started earlier. Don't put yourself in a time crunch, go ahead and get started, what's stopping you?

Watching myself progress, was an amazing feeling, one that, if you are ready to, you should feel. It's easy to say you're going to eat a little healthier and go to the gym a little bit more, but to actually do so is completely different, and this year, if you set your mind to it, you can do it. 2016 should be the best year of your life, as 2015 was by far the best of mine. In 2015 I completely changed the track of my life. I went from being a stressed out, overweight, college student, to being a confident, healthy, and fit, college student, and I've never been happier.

Now is your chance. Make every season, bikini season, by sticking to your goals of eating right and working out. 2015 may have been my year, but 2016 is yours!

Get started by referring to my previous blog posts on how to go about starting and have an amazing new year :)

A good post to get you started...

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tips for a Healthy Exam Week

That time of year has quickly come around again, unfortunately. Exams. This can be a very stressful time for college students, and stress leads to some very unhealthy habits. Here are my tips on being successful this exam week:

  1. Sleep: Sleep is obviously crucial for your health and well-being. With little to no sleep, the body does not function well, which leads to bad food choices and lack of motivation. Aim to get at least 6 hours of sleep a night, I would normally say 8, but I know that for most people this can be close to impossible during exams. 
  2. Take a study break: Taking a short study break here and there is very important! Take this even a step further by going to the gym, going on a walk, or doing an ab routine. This will help you reduce some of the stress and then you will be able to come back to your studying with fresh eyes. 
  3. Stick to your normal eating habits: Continue to eat healthy foods at the times you normally would during the day! Try to avoid eating foods that will make you tired, and stick to healthy greens and proteins. Also, don't overdose on caffeine this week. A cup of coffee won't kill you, but too much caffeine is not good for anyone. Another exam week temptation to avoid is late night snacking. Late night snacking is the cause of weight gain for many college students, as tempting as it is, don't do it. Try not to eat three hours before you go to bed!
  4. Exercise: Taking thirty minutes out of your day to exercise is easy! Plus, who wouldn't want a thirty minute break to procrastinate at the gym?! Working out is an amazing stress reliever. You will leave the gym, or wherever you workout, with less stress and lots of positive endorphins. 
  5. Meditation: Stress is the worst part of exam week. It hits most students hard, and many end up as balls of stress. You'd be amazed at how much a little deep breathing and meditation can help. When I'm feeling stressed, I turn to meditation. I use a guide online called has so many great options, including how much time you can choose to meditate, so you can do 2 minutes to an hour. I have found that 5 minutes is the perfect amount of time to calm my nerves. Try it for yourself! 
I hope these tips help you get through exam week! Have a fitastic Wednesday :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

5 Tips to Making this December Your Healthiest Yet

Update: I had a wonderful thanksgiving and break last week. I ate so many sweet potatoes, I may just turn into one. But overall, I made healthy choices in the food department, and I worked out every day (twice on Thanksgiving, miraculously). I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving as well!


Still feeling bloated and tired from Thanksgiving? Feeling like you are on a slippery slope to an unhealthy end to this year? Well, November is now in the past, and so is that Thanksgiving feast, so jump into December with a healthy attitude! Listed is 5 tips to making this December, which is usually a time filled with unhealthy choices, your healthiest yet, so that you can end the year right :)

  1. Drink LOTS of water- Up your water intake this December! It's so easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of hot chocolate and holiday flavored coffees, that sometimes we forget about our best friend, water. It's important to drink water throughout the day to keep your body healthy. Sometimes when you think you are hungry, you might really just be dehydrated. Personally, I wake up every morning and drink about 20 oz of water before doing anything, but even just a cup will do! If you prefer hot drinks in the winter, drink hot water with a slice of lemon, not only will you be hydrating, but it will also serve as a natural detox! 
  2. Set several small goals and one large goal- To keep yourself on track set goals. Set a large goal first, for example, lose 5 lbs this December. Then set small, attainable goals that will get you to the larger goal, for example, go to the gym five times a week and only allow yourself one treat a week. These are just examples, and it's up to you to come up with your own goals, but it is important to have goals to keep yourself on track this month, and every month. 
  3. Don't rely on the gym- It's getting cold and motivation is low. Perhaps you don't feel like leaving the house to go to the gym. Well..... that's no problem at all! Don't rely on getting your exercise in the gym, but also don't just not workout because you can't make it to the gym. Working out in your living room, or wherever you have space, is easy. Go through my workouts I've posted, and watch some youtube videos, because I know it isn't always easy. This is also important to consider when you are traveling. You can do jumping jacks and push ups anywhere, trust me! 
  4. Make your own meals when you can- Around the holidays eating dinner at a restaurant is a common occurrence, at least for me.  If this is also the case for you, try to restrain from eating food on the run or in a restaurant when you don't have to. Obviously, it's okay to get together with the girls on Friday night or with the family, but on a Tuesday, stay in and make a healthy home cooked meal. Plan ahead and try to eat healthy throughout the whole week, so when your weekend restaurant trips come around, then you won't feel as bad. You can even make it one of your small goals to cut back on your restaurant food intake. 
  5. Build willpower and use it- It may be hard to restrain from the Christmas cookies and eggnog, but use willpower. While having a cookie here and there is okay (MODERATION), use your willpower to not eat too much. It is important to build willpower, and this is the perfect chance to do so. Tell yourself that you don't need another cookie or another cup of hot chocolate. Restrain yourself and give yourself the useful gift of willpower this December. 
I hope this helps you end the year in a healthy way!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

I'm Thankful for Change

This year, I have so much to be thankful for! One thing that I am especially grateful for this year is change. I'm thankful that I decided to make a change in my life, because that change brought me so many more things to be thankful for. I am so lucky to be happy and healthy this year. When I made this huge change in my life I had no idea how many great things would come as a result. Change has brought me happiness, friends, and a better life in general. On that note, I am ESPECIALLY thankful for the people who have supported me through it all. Thank you to my family, friends, and followers who keep me motivated!

If this year you don't feel as though you have a lot to be thankful for, maybe it is time to make a change in your life. If next year you want to be thankful for health and happiness, start your journey after Thanksgiving, it's never to late to change the course of your life!

5 Random things I'm thankful for:

  1. Skinny Pop
  2. Sweet Potatoes 
  3. The Stair Master
  4. The students in my cycling class that brighten my Mondays and Wednesdays :) 
  5. Thanksgiving break- it's about time we had a break!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

5 Ways to Stay Happy and Healthy this Holiday Season

It's amazing how fast this semester is going for me, it flew by! Thanksgiving is only two weeks away, which means holiday season is right around the corner. Holidays are great! They mean lots of quality time with family and friends, but they also mean lots of fattening foods. No need to be anxious though, I am here to help! Here are 5 ways that you can remain healthy this holiday season:

  1. Treat food as an experience- Treating food as an experience basically means consuming in moderation and really taking in what you are eating. Instead of eating too much of one thing, just try everything. It's better if you take a piece of turkey, a spoonful of mashed potatoes, a spoonful of mac and cheese, and a spoonful of green bean casserole, than say eating a whole plate of mashed potatoes. Never eat to much of one thing, everything is okay in moderation. Make sure when you eat foods that you don't normally eat, like pumpkin pie, bread, or mashed potatoes, that you are aware of what you are eating. Think about the food. When you think about how rich the food is, you are less likely to go for seconds. Enjoy the rich qualities of holiday food, but in moderation :)
  2. Stop standing and eating- During the holidays I often find myself standing around a table full of food, mingling with friends, and before I know it I ate half the plate of cookies. DO NOT BE THE COOKIE MONSTER. Mingle while standing and find a seat when you are ready to eat. When you are standing and grabbing food, you aren't processing what you are eating, and you often forget that you ate anything at all. Be mindful about your food decisions, step away from the table, grab a seat, and eat mindfully. 
  3. Plan accordingly- If you know you have a weekend filled with holiday parties, make sure you eat well all week and get some good workouts in. Don't starve yourself or binge, just eat as your healthy self normally would, without letting yourself cheat too much. Also, don't go to a party hungry. If you know you are going to a holiday party snack on some nuts before, because nuts suppress appetite. If you go to a holiday party starving, you will probably end up eating way too much, and a lot of food that are not necessarily healthy options. 
  4. Make the best decisions you can in the moment- Choose your best options. You know what is healthy and what is not. You know that your plate should include a portion of protein and good carbs (vegetables, fruits, etc.). However, when presented with the overwhelming platter of unhealthy options, it can be difficult to make the right decisions. Find what's healthy first, and then take a little bit of those things that you have been craving, but ask yourself first if you really want it. 
  5. Keep your thoughts healthy and happy.- Think happy and healthy thoughts. Keep your mind thinking about how your choices affect your health and factor in your happiness. If what makes you happy during a holiday is a piece of pie, have a piece of pie, but not two. If what makes you happy is going for a walk with a friend, go for a walk. Stay healthy, but also stay happy, because those two things co-exist. When your thoughts and body are happy, you are more likely to make healthy choices. 
Also keep in mind that the holidays do not excuse you from exercising. Keep up the hard work in the gym or wherever you workout! It will pay off :) 

Good luck this Holiday season! I will try to post some more helpful holiday tips, as well as healthy recipes, in the weeks to come.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Let Your Insecurities Be Your Motivation

If you've read my background, or some of my other posts, you probably know that I've suffered from insecurity and self consciousness for most of my young adulthood and teenage years. The worst feeling in the world is when you realize something is wrong with you. Maybe it's that zit on your chin, that bump on your nose, or maybe that pudge in your stomach. For me it was the latter. I looked at the extra poundage that I had and I let it take over my life. The extra weight decided that I would be a recluse and make poor eating decisions, until one day, I had enough. Instead of being insecure, I decided I needed a change. So I took my insecurities, and made them my motivation.

From the day I took a picture of my overweight stomach, I looked at it everyday. I didn't necessarily look at other peoples stomachs and decide those were what I wanted, but I looked at my own stomach, and decided that it was the stomach I never wanted to have again. By looking at the picture everyday, I constantly pushed myself to do something. To change. I couldn't just look at the picture and say I was going to change, but I had to put in work. So when I looked at my stomach, I told myself I needed to run the extra mile and skip the dessert.

I no longer have that problem. I love the way my stomach looks now and I am confident in it and myself, but don't get me wrong, there are plenty of days where I still find something wrong and start to feel insecure. But I've learned to not let the insecurity take over my life. I still decide to change when something is not okay in my eyes. A few weeks ago I decided that I needed to tone my arms more because I didn't like how they looked, and so I worked on them.

So what is holding you back? What is your greatest insecurity? Whether it be something small or something big, make the change. Your change may be life changing, or something very small, but change is change, and it is usually for the better. Take the things that make you insecure and self conscious and use them as your motivation to change.

Have an awesome week :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Healthy Goals of the Week

This week I'm trying something new to keep me on track, and I'm hoping you will try it too!

When I was losing weight I had everything planned out, my meals, my workouts, and all of that fun stuff. I wrote down my plans for the week on Sundays, and while this did, however, help me to lose weight and stay on track, I don't feel that it is necessary to micro manage your life in order to be healthy. SO I haven't been planning things out lately and things have been great! I've trusted myself to make good, healthy decisions and I have, but I do miss having some sort of structure. Instead of planning everything out, I have decided to make two lists on Sundays: one for healthy eating goals and one for my fitness goals for the week ahead.

I want you all to join me, by making your own lists on Sundays! It's very simple, just create 3 goals for both fitness and healthy eating that you think you can stick to and will help you live a healthy life. As an example, I will share my lists!

3 Healthy Eating Goals for the Week:

  1. Only eat one spoonful of peanut butter a day (instead of 3- I have an addiction...its bad...)
  2. Only allow yourself 3 non-fat lattes this week
  3. No eating after 8:30 (try to limit late night snacking to only when I'm REALLY hungry)
3 Fitness Goals for the Week: 

  1. Work extra hard on lower abs this week
  2. Go on the stair climber at least twice, in addition to regular cardio 
  3. Do at least 100 squats by Sunday (No squats on Monday and Tuesday because of cycling)
These are my goals and you are welcome to use them or adapt them to your own life, but it is highly unlikely, especially for the eating goals, that we face the exact same problems and have the same goals. Create your own goals and place them somewhere where you look everyday, for me it's my bulletin board, but a mirror, or on the fridge, would also be good places! I also posted quotes next to my goals to help motivate me :)

So challenge yourself and not only meet your goals, but exceed them. Give it your all this week! 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fall Into a Healthy Routine

It's officially fall! I can tell because everything is now pumpkin flavored and I actually had to throw on a sweatshirt to walk to the dining hall this morning, which is terrible, because I usually don't even want to put pants on.


Unfortunately fall means that people tend to start losing the motivation that they had, over the summer, to be healthy and fit. DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU.

I know the weather is not so great and comfort food is calling your name, but don't give in. It's time to kick it into high gear and either revamp your routine, or for those of you whom haven't started yet, now is your time.

In order to be healthy and fit, all throughout the year, you need to change with the seasons. It's important to keep things interesting and allow yourself to mix things up once in a while.

Yesterday in my government 101 class, this guy that sits by me was telling me about how he could not get himself to go to the gym because it was just too cold to walk there, so instead he did some high intensity interval training videos that he found on youtube. If you face this problem of lacking motivation because of the weather, take advantage of the internet and all of it's fitness resources, you have no excuse. However, if you do prefer taking a walk or running outside, try to slowly make the adjustment to the treadmill or elliptical over fall, so when winter comes you are ready. If you struggle with boredom on the treadmill, refer to my post entitled "Workout of the week: A Treadmill Workout."

About the comfort food that is calling your name....

Resist the urge. Whether it be pumpkin pie or mac and cheese, comfort food is not the answer. To stop this craving, enjoy a bowl of a homemade soup, or if making soup is hard for you, Amy's Soups are a great, healthy option!

So think about your current routine, and ask yourself, is it time for a change? A change may keep you going and healthy. I know it's time for a change for me :)

On a side note...
I apologize to everyone who has been contacting me lately, regarding health and fitness, for the delayed responses. I just had midterms so I've been very busy, but luckily my schedule is starting to clear up, so feel free to continue to contact me for help and motivation!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Balls

One of my favorite combinations has always been chocolate and peanut butter, whether it be ice cream or in cup form, I love chocolate and peanut butter. Of course, living a healthy life does not necessarily allow me to eat a big bowl of chocolate peanut butter ice cream or even a twin pack of peanut butter cups, but alas I found a solution to my craving: Chocolate peanut butter protein balls. Ringing in at about 75 calories per ball, these delicious bites of protein pack the flavors I love AND are full of protein and nutrients. I thought it would only to be fair to share this recipe for you all, and especially for my dad who is begging for it. As I tell my dad, eat these babies in moderation, one a day or every two days is a good rule, because even though they are nutritious, everything should be eaten in moderation :)

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do! 

  • 1 cup (dry) Old-fashioned oatmeal
  • 2/3 Cup coconut flakes 
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (I use natural peanut butter)
  • 1/2 cup ground flax seed
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips (up to you whether its semi-sweet, dark, or even cacao nibs)
  • 1/3 cup honey or agave nectar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  1. Stir all of the ingredients together in a medium bowl until they are thoroughly mixed
  2. Cover the mixture with plastic wrap and let chill in the fridge for half an hour
  3. Once done chilling, roll into balls (about 1" in diameter)
  4. Store in an airtight container and keep in the freezer for up to one week 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Don't Fear Change, Embrace It.

I was once so afraid of change. I couldn't throw my schedule off in even the slightest of ways. Eat breakfast an hour later? No way. Go to sleep past midnight? Not a chance. Start eating healthy and working out? Excuse my French, HELL NO. That would throw everything off. I can't pinpoint all of the reasons why, but I was scared of change. Sometimes, however, change is necessary.

I once had a basketball coach that constantly asked "What is the definition of insanity?" And the whole team would answer, "Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result." This phrase became my reality and it made me realize that I was insane. I was eating terrible food and never working out and I always expected that I wouldn't gain weight, but I did. Not too mention I was anxiety ridden and not doing anything about it. This led me to realize that change was necessary.

Successfully, I changed my life. Six months ago (exactly), I took a left turn on the path I was going, and it led me in the right direction. Who knows what would be going on in my life right now if I would have never changed, but I don't even want to imagine life another way. Not only did I lose 40 pounds, but I lost the anxiety that burdened me because of my negative self image. I changed my body, and in turn I changed my attitude and my perspective on life. I am much more positive and confident and I just live. I enjoy every moment, good and bad, and look forward to what the future holds. I look back and see how far I've come, and I am still amazed at myself and my progress every single day.

I write this blog post today because I know a lot of you are ready for change. I have recently been contacted by many people (most around my age, some older) looking to lose weight or become fit, but they all tell me the same thing, "I have no motivation." They are all searching for something to inspire them and to push them to change. Well I hope you all can look, not only to me, but to yourself. Motivate you. You can do it. Don't change next month, next week, or even tomorrow, start changing today. Cut something out of your unhealthy diet today, like soda, or start working out today. Make little changes. This will make it easier to ease on into the big change; changing your life.

I always find myself looking back at old pictures. In some of them, I don't even recognize myself. I started my change, exactly 6 months ago, but the difference is incredible. Not only do I see a skinnier and healthier individual, I see a more confident, happy, young woman. I feel and look amazing and it's all because I took a leap of faith and I changed.

I want you to change.

The picture on the left was taken a year and a half ago and on the right it now. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Fat and Happy: A Popular Myth

I'm sure you've heard it said many times before. "I'm fat and happy." A phrase I once preached. But was it the truth? No.

It's highly unlikely that someone is fat and happy, because the reality of it is, the bigger you are, the more problems you may face. I'm all for having a positive body image, no matter what your size, don't get me wrong, but it's hard for me to understand how someone could be happy if they live an unhealthy life.

So for me, it used to be that I was overweight and tried to make everyone think I was happy. I always had a smile on my face and I was always ready to burst into laughter, but I wasn't truly happy. The face I put on in public and during the day, was just that, a face. Something to mask what was inside. At the end of the day, the face would come down and so would the tears. There was no more "fat and happy", but instead, overweight, out of shape, and absolutely miserable. When I would look in the mirror at night, I didn't see a mask, I saw the reality, and I did not like it, at all.

No one should ever have to feel that way. You should never excuse your life problems by pretending and trying to be something that you are not. Now I don't know your life. Maybe you are legitimately happy and maybe not necessarily in shape, but my guess is that, since you are reading this blog, that is probably not the case. You can probably pinpoint something in your life or about your body that makes you unhappy. Well, guess what? You are responsible for your own happiness.

One night I looked in the mirror, mask down, and I decided I didn't want to pretend anymore. Who wants to have to put on an act everyday? Not me. So I changed my life in order to be happy, not fat and happy, just happy. I realized that food didn't make me happy, at least not in the long run.

I encourage you to look at yourself in the mirror, take the make-up and the fake smile off, and just look. Do you like what you see? Are you fat and happy or overweight, out of shape, and absolutely miserable? And if you are one of those that swears that they are fat and happy, think about the future, will you always be this way?

I only want the best for my readers and I believe the best is happiness. For me, happiness is found through living a healthy life, this, of course, is different for everyone. Find what makes you happy and makes you excited to look in the mirror everyday.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

10 Unhealthy College Habits to Cut Out

So upon returning to school I have been constantly reminded of the unhealthy habits that surround us in the college setting. This a list compiled of the unhealthy college habits that you should break at school in order to live a healthy life and avoid any further weight gain. I hope this helps to make you aware of the little things that you may be doing at school that are negatively effecting your health.

  1. Late night snacking 
  2. Last minute cramming for a test (how stressful!)
  3. Getting less than 7 hours of sleep a night 
  4. Staying up way to late
  5. Drinking/Partying more than 2 nights a week 
  6. Eating while doing homework when you aren't even hungry 
  7. Staring at facebook for hours 
  8. Watching way too much netflix
  9. Grabbing ice cream before leaving the dining halls (EVERY NIGHT)
  10. Taking a nap more than twice a week (this is not kindergarten, this is the big leagues people)
These are easy habits to cut out once you are aware that these are problems that you have! 

Good luck :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Skinny Discount: How being healthy pays off

A commonly heard excuse, amongst those considering living a healthy life, is that the food is too expensive, and while yes the food is expensive, in time it pays off.

This weekend I went wedding dress shopping with my sister. I thought it would be a very stressful experience but it was actually not that bad! My sister tried on dress after dress and eventually she found the right one, which looks absolutely stunning on her.

Gabrielle (my sister) has been trying to lose weight for some time now and she has successfully lost 20 pounds! Her changes are visible and she is the happiest I have ever seen her. I believe she probably felt as if her hard work culminated when she, not only found the dress, but when she went to pay for the dress. The consultant had told her because she was not over a particular size, she was able to get a discount on her dress, a discount that my sister and I referred to as the "skinny discount", which saved hundreds of dollars.

So is it worth the extra dollar you have to spend on organic produce? Yes. In time this pays off. A discount of sorts may be the pay off, for example the dress discount or the discount I receive on Lululemon for being a cycling instructor. Or this may pay off in terms of health care. When you live a healthy life you lower your chances of getting diseases that could become costly and you spend a lot less time in the hospital and at doctors offices.

To add to my point, by cooking your own food, and not eating at restaurants, you are saving money. I couldn't believe how much money I saved when I stopped constantly going to Panera and my favorite Mexican restaurant.

So while initially being healthy may take a hard hit at your bank account, do not make this your excuse. After all, if you want to be healthy, you will do anything. It will pay off.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Don't Let the Weekend Become Your Weak End

For many college students, the weekend is a fun and exciting occasion that makes getting through the week so much easier. Unfortunately, on the weekend your food patterns probably don't stay the same. You eat more and drink more, it's a fact and you know it. So it's time to get this under control...But how?

First of all I recommend trying to create some sort of flexible eating schedule for the weekend. Plan on eating at the same times or around the same times as you normally do on weekdays. It will help to reduce overeating or underrating.

Second, try to wake up at a decent hour in the morning. You don't need to sleep till noon, it's unnecessary. Try to wake up around the time you normally wake up, I usually wake up an hour later than normal, which gives me the feeling of sleeping in, without actually oversleeping.

It is also important that you continue to eat healthy. While the weekend is a good time to enjoy a splurge of some sort, you should not splurge all weekend, and treat it as a free for all. If you are going to some sort of event or party, allow yourself a small treat, but don't go crazy. It's best to eat healthy all day so if an occasion arises where unhealthy food is involved, you can indulge a little without feeling bad about it. Just remember that everything is okay in moderation, so have one cookie, but restrain yourself before grabbing another one. This same theory applies for drinks, whether your going to a party or you are having a girls night in, remember to drink in moderation, because anything and everything is bad if you have too much, and this is especially the case for alcohol and sugar.

Lastly, remember to exercise. The weekends are the best time to get out and exercise. Take the weekend and make it your time to go on adventures. For me, the weekends are the perfect time for tranquil trail walks and riverside runs. Go out and explore your exercise options. If you have a busy weekend just try to find a time where you can fit in some simple cardio or an ab workout.

I know it may be difficult, but try to set yourself up for a successful weekend. Plan out what you're going to eat, when you're going to eat, when you are going to exercise, and how long you are going to eat, ahead of time. This will allow for you to continue to live a healthy life on the weekends.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Make Homework Snacking a Healthy Ocassion

Last week someone messaged me on facebook asking for my advice on how to avoid snacking while doing homework. Honestly this is a problem for me as well. Most of the time this is considered bored eating but sometimes you really are hungry and should eat a snack. Either way, your snack choice should be a healthy one.

Here are some healthy homework snack suggestions:

  • Carrots and hummus
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • 1 serving of skinny pop
  • 1 serving of almonds or pistachios
  • 1 gala apple (sliced)
So to keep these options extra healthy, make sure you only eat the suggested serving size and snack slowly. If you feel that you are not actually hungry, and you are instead just eating out of boredom, try drinking some water or a cup of tea or coffee, so you're still consuming something, but you are putting in little to no calories, it's a mind game!

Snacking can be a good thing, but not when it is considered overeating, so remember to snack healthy and watch your serving sizes! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Social Eating: The Peer Pressure that Can Lead to the Freshman 15

Happy Wednesday! I'm onto my second week of school and so far, so good. Before I get into my post I want to briefly talk about last week. I had a great first week of school and I am so proud of my decisions! I made healthy choices in the dining hall, I got out and socialized, I worked out everyday, and I didn't allow myself to get too stressed out. Although they may seem small, these decisions are big accomplishments for me, and I already feel as if this year is my year! I'll keep you all updated and I hope you all had a great week last week as well :)

So anyways..... 

I had a good start to my week, this week, on Monday, by having a meeting with a nutritionist to discuss an upcoming event. When she asked me what I thought students needed to know about, I told her portion sizes and basic nutritional information, but after great conversation and thinking about the freshman 15, I came up with something I feel that freshman struggle with especially; social eating. 

A common bond among people all over the world is food. It's how we survive, and if you live in a country like America, it is always around. It's easy to bond with someone over food and make conversation about food. It's also easy to meet with people when there is food involved, as companies do with box lunch meetings, and acquaintances do with coffee and a pastry. Food just provides a light energy when it comes to conversations, especially those that may seem awkward, formal, or tense. These situations, however, are not necessarily what I'm talking about when I refer to "social eating" in the college setting. 

Social eating, in the college setting, is more closely related to peer pressure and societal pressure. As a freshman I made many friends over meals and food, I will admit that. I will also admit that when someone asked to go to Cookout at midnight I did not turn down the offer. The true reason I wouldn't turn an offer like this down, as a freshman, was because I didn't want to miss anything. I didn't want to be the person to say it was way to late to drink a heavy milkshake, because that would be lame, and even though I may have felt that way, I finished off the milkshake in minutes. On top of that, it's as if the pressure doesn't end. At dinner everyone is getting a burger and fries, so why shouldn't I? To finish the meal, everyone is getting a bowl of ice cream, and I don't want to be that one person just sitting there watching, so I'll get some too. The dining hall is famous for it's buffalo wraps, so I need to have one for lunch every Wednesday, like everyone else. It is a never ending problem, if you let it become one. 

Last week someone asked me how I resist chocolate and pizza, college staples, of course. The answer is simple, will power. I use will power to resist such foods and I also use will power to overcome societal pressure in college. It's understandable that you may want to conform to others in college, but eating something because everyone else is, or because someone wants you to, is not healthy. You need to make decisions for yourself, after all, you are growing up and on your own, and you are much too old for peer pressure. Being pressured into eating foods, and giving into the pressure, is your fast track to the freshman 15. It's one thing to actually want, say, a piece of pizza, but it's another thing to eat a piece of pizza just because your friend ordered a box and wants you to split it with her/him. 

So please remember, next time someone asks you to go out to eat late at night with them, or to grab a bowl of ice cream to only agree if that's what you really want, not just because everyone else is eating it. You will live a much healthier college life if you don't let social eating take over.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Abs for Beginners

One of the best parts about being back at school is having my favorite gym partners back, my best friends and roommates, Morgan and Taylor. I'm so proud of them for taking time out of there busy schedules to get in the gym. One thing I love about working out with Morgan and Taylor is that they are not afraid to ask for advice and workouts. This week they were all about the abs, wanting to know what my ab workouts are like. Well the truth is my ab workouts are pretty basic, I don't do anything super crazy or out of the ordinary. Anyone can do what I do. So I want to share with you all the same ab workout I shared with them. So please give it a try :)

  • Russian Twists (weighted for 1 minute)
  • Leg up crunches (30 reps)
  • Bicycle crunches (1 minute)
  • Plank (1 minute)
  • Side planks (30 seconds/ each side)
  • Swimming (1 minute)
  • Glute Bridges (30 reps)
  • Mountain Climbers (1 minute)
  • Lying leg raises (30 reps)
  • Sit-ups (30 reps)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It's okay to give yourself a pat on the back... you deserve one...

Last week I was able to participate in welcome week for the freshman at my school! Not only did I get to teach two cycling classes for freshman, but I was also able to tell them a little bit about my fitness journey. I participated in four presentations on health, fitness, and stress management. I was only able to speak for a few minutes in each presentation, but I hope I left an impact on some of the freshman class at Christopher Newport University.

At the end of each presentation I had several students tell me that they had already started reading my blog or they followed my fitness instagram (@stressedtoskinny), and they all said they loved it, which left me happily surprised.

I had a student tell me that I stopped her from buying unhealthy food in the grocery store and I had another student tell me that she tries every one of my workouts. I had one student tell me that I helped motivate her to start her journey. I even made a connection with a freshman that had recently lost 60 pounds (how amazing, you go girl!). To hear all of this positive feedback, support, and appreciation, made me so happy!

But I also had an emotional reaction.

In the first presentation of the day, I thought I was going to cry after the group of students overwhelmed me with a round of applause after announcing that I have lost 35 pounds (I achieved this applause after each presentation and felt like I could cry tears of joy each time). Sometimes I forget what I've done. Sometimes I feel like I just woke up one day and I was skinny, but that's not the case. I often forget how hard I work, and how hard I have worked, to maintain and achieve the body that I have today. When a student asked me how I lost the weight, at the end of one of my cycling classes last week, I had to answer honestly stating, "I worked my butt off." And it's true, I did. I had to use willpower, I had to workout more than I was used to, and I had to completely change my mindset, but I did it, and for that I'm giving myself a much deserved pat on the back.

It's important that you also give yourself a pat on the back once in a while. No matter how small the achievement, reward yourself. If you work hard and give it your all, you need to remember to tell yourself you did a great job. I regret anytime that I was down on myself during the process of losing weight, for instance, when I wanted to lose 2 pounds one week and I only lost half of a pound. This is still an achievement. If you ever feel like you haven't done enough, look back, if you really didn't work hard enough, than work harder next week, but don't put yourself down.

So today I want each and everyone of you to look at what you have achieved lately and give yourself a pat on the back. Talk yourself up. Tell people how great you've been doing. Tell me how great you've been doing. Reward yourself with a new shirt. Give yourself a pat on the back and a round of applause, you deserve it all.

Side Note:

If you have been going through a life changing journey of your own and I've helped you in some way, please let me know how you are doing! I love to hear from all of you and I can't wait to hear more great things.

You can contact me via my email at :)

Monday, August 24, 2015

How to squeeze a workout in on campus without even thinking about it

The hardest part about college is managing your time. It's hard to fit everything in, I completely understand. For me going to the gym is part of my schedule, I don't use time as an excuse. I treat going to the gym as if it is one of my classes, but I understand, it may not be as important to others as it is to me. So you may find that you can't make it to the gym everyday, then what? Well you need to workout at some point so here are a few easy things you can do, to workout, without actually having to go to the gym.

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Take the long way back to your dorm 
  • Run up stairs instead of walking 
  • Go do some cartwheels with your friends on that beautiful green grass outside
  • Studying? Take a quick break and do 10 jumping jacks
  • No one in the halls? Do some walking lunges 
  • Go to the football stadium, run up and down the bleachers 
  • Tv time is also a good time to do some crunches 
  • Forget your car, walking and biking is more fuel efficient anyways 
Anyone can make time to workout if they want to. 

I'm so proud of my friend and roommate, Morgan, who has decided she will workout five days a week this semester. She is skinny and healthy, but she often suffers from stress because of a busy schedule. She is adding fitness to her life and into her schedule by treating it as a daily necessity, which is awesome. Morgan understands that no matter how naturally skinny you are, and no matter how much time you don't have, exercising is important. 

Make the time and you will lead a stress free and skinny life :) 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


At my freshman orientation someone told me there was no such thing as gymtimidation at our school's gym. What a lie. Every time I walk into the gym I'm intimidated, even now, although I am active and hold a fitness certification, I still get intimidated.

Things that scare me at the gym:

  1. The weight lifting room where all the really buff, cool guys hangout and that one random girl who is trying to show all the boys that she can lift too (she is also really hoping to get one of the guys' number). 
  2. The area with the weight machines. This area is not quite as scary but I feel like everyone is critiquing my form while using those labyrinths of machines. I'm just trying to do my lateral pulls in peace people!! 
  3. The area where everyone is working on their abs. This area (or usually just a mat) make my basic sit-ups look like a joke. 
  4. The girls that are running way faster than me on the treadmill. 
  5. When there are 5 open treadmills and some random person decides it's okay to take the one right next to you even though there are more spacious options. Talk about creepy. 
  6. Walking on the treadmill. Walking is better than running in so many ways so why is everyone judging me as I'm walking (cough cough Taylor Costello)? And if you walk as fast as I do, it's basically running. 
  7. Waiting for the stairclimber. There is one and only one that all the girls want to use. Well basically only five girls use it, including me. The problem is you never know when the other girl is going to be done and you also don't know if someone else is waiting. UGH SO FRUSTRATING. Also it's super embarrassing when you're running to get it and some girl get's there before you. 
  8. Zumba. Never tried it but it looks fun/scary. (I will give it a try this semester and let ya'll know)
  9. Staring. I know people aren't staring at me because the sweat dripping down my face is super attractive, so why??? And oh god please stop with the side eye, it's annoying. 
So that's a long list but I still somehow manage to face my fears and go to the gym everyday. And honestly the more often I go to the gym, the less scared I get because now I'm one of the "regulars". I still get the initial gymtimidation when I walk in, but as long as I suck it up and go confidently, then I can move on to my workout and rid myself of the scary thoughts. 

Please don't let gymtimidation scare you away from the gym. The more often you go, the more comfortable you will feel. Who knows maybe it's a good place for you to meet friends or maybe even a romantic relationship, or it may even turn into a second home for you or in my case, a place to get rid of all the stress. Just remember it's okay to be scared, but don't let your fears get in the way of you living a healthy life. 

Suggestions for facing the dreaded gym: 
  1. Bring a friend. 
  2. Act like you know exactly what you are doing. 
  3. Wear cute outfits. 
  4. Block the world out by wearing headphones and have your volume turned up all the way. 
  5. Do everything confidently. 
  6. Become a regular. 
  7. Join a group class. 
  8. Don't be afraid to ask for help, there's a staff for a reason! 
My fondest memories at the gym: 
  1. Staring at hot guys. 
  2. Checking my friends butts for sweat (upon request of course). 
  3. Gossiping with Taylor while stretching. 
  4. Trying to flirt with my current boyfriend, but him not noticing. 
  5. Making senior friends in cycling class (#coolkid). 
  6. That one time when I was the only person there (only once).
  7. Working really hard and putting in a lot of time there and as a result losing weight and changing my whole life! 

Me enjoying workouts at home! 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Say Goodbye to the Same Old Boring Salad

I don't know how your school works, but at mine we usually have the same variation of food every week... #boring. Even when you're trying to live a healthy life, you need to have variation in your meals!

People often assume that I eat salads all the time, and while yes I enjoy salads, I don't eat them for every meal, and not even everyday. However, when I do eat salads I don't eat the same one every time, that would get boring really fast. I don't want anyone to get bored with healthy food, because it can be so exciting! So in this post I want to offer my ideas on how to mix up your meals, and especially dining hall food.

So my school serves salmon at least three times a week, which is awesome because I absolutely love salmon. Even though they often change the marinade, salmon can be boring if you eat it the same way three or more times a week. So to solve this fishy (punny) dillema we must turn to sides. If you pair salmon with different sides every time you have it, you will get a whole different set of flavors from the last time. So maybe instead of salmon with a side of asparagus, you could put your salmon atop a salad or perhaps get broccoli instead. Mix it up. You should be eating fish at least twice a week anyways because it's great for your health. This same rule applies for white meats such as chicken or turkey, mix it up and you have a whole new meal.

Now about those salads... I've actually turned salad making into an art form. It's fun to make a salad bring and colorful, which is why I'm always changing up my salads. The best thing about salads is that you can pretty much make anything a salad. Like for example tacos, a taco salad is my favorite thursday treat at school. I get chicken, black beans, lettuce, and salsa and turn it into a salad packed full of flavor. Dressings also add variety to salads. Obviously, the better dressing choices are the vinaigrettes rather than cream based dressings, but if ranch is what stops you from grabbing a piece of pizza instead, go ahead and use it, just skip any cheese or other heavy toppings (croutons, tortillas, etc.).

But if you're not in the mood for a salad, get out there and explore your options. You know what's healthy and what's not, you know you need a source of protein and some vegetables, and you know you don't need to eat everything on the plate. So explore your food options and make healthy choices, but remember to change it up, because variety is extremely important in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Don't be that person that gives up...

My first week of college I decided I would be fit and healthy. I went for runs in the morning and used the gym when I could and on top of that I was eating healthy food, given my new variety of options. I felt great. But that was one week, only one week. As soon as classes started, I started to get lazy. I would do three things and three things only: eat, sleep, and go to class. Eat a lot, sleep a lot, and go to class when I had to. That was my life the second week of school and I stuck with that routine for months.

As you may be able to tell, this routine led me down an unhealthy path. If I would have kept my first week's healthy plan, I would be in a much different situation. I may have started to lose weight then. It doesn't really matter for me now because I like the way my changes have happened, but it may have been easier the other way around. If I would have stuck with my first routine I would have lived a healthier and happier  college life, but instead I gave up.

I gave up. I made excuses. I let myself down.

Please, please, please do not make the same mistakes that I made.

What I didn't understand, that I want you to understand, is that your body can handle almost anything but it is your mind that you have to keep convincing.

It is really easy to go into college with this attitude of "I'm going to live a healthy college life," but unless your mind is fully committed, it can be harder than it seems. Trust me there will be temptations, but I know how strong you are and that you can resist them. There will be times when you want to make excuses, such as, "Well I had that test today and my legs kind of hurt, so maybe I'll just watch some tv with my roommate." But where is that excuse getting you? Nowhere, fast. So your legs are a little sore from that cycling class yesterday, your body is telling you it needs a good run or walk to work those legs out! There will be days when you think that you won't be able to get your workout in... but thats no big deal! You know that you can make 10-15 minutes (at some point in the day) to do some easy cardio like jumping jacks and maybe even some crunches.

You can make it work. You won't give up. You are strong.

If you are reading this you either want some insight into my life or your looking for inspiration or you want to make you life a healthy life. If you fall under that latter category, I'm proud of you (and thank you to the people in the other two categories). You are making so many positive steps to a healthy life, steps that many others can't and won't make, and nothing is stopping you now, because you won't let it.

Once I really got into my lifestyle change there was no stopping me. I would not give up. And now that I'm enjoying this healthy life, I will never go back, I won't give up on eating healthy and working out, because why should I? I've worked hard and so have you.

Stay inspired and DON'T GIVE UP.

A transformation for some inspiration...

One year ago vs. Now

Monday, August 10, 2015

Workout of the Week: Lower Ab Workout

The lower part of your stomach is the hardest to change. Knowing that their is a pouch at the bottom of my stomach makes me uncomfortable, and I'm sure some of you face the same problem (no matter how skinny you may be), so I've been trying to work on that part of my stomach lately. Here's my ab workout to specifically target lower abs, good luck!

Do 3 sets. 
  • 1 minute plank
  • 40 leg ups
  • 30 seconds of flutter kicks
  • 60 bicycle crunches
  • 30 lying toe touches
  • 30 in and outs 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How to Avoid Stress Eating

There are multiple factors that led to my gaining of weight, and stress eating was definitely one of them. Stress eating and binging is a problem that not only college students deal with, but anyone that has a stressful and busy life deal with. 

Starting years ago, I found myself turning to food when I had any sort of stress or anxiety. It was easy for me to escape the problem by eating a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's or a box of Oreos. But the truth is, when I got to the bottom of the pint or the end of the box, I didn't feel any better, in fact on top of being stressed I would also have a stomach ache. I even starting thinking that having a stomach ache after eating was completely normal, which I now realize is messed up on so many levels (talk about an unhealthy habit). 

For students especially, stress eating is something I must warn you about. It will happen to you at some point if you let it. But you are smarter than that. You won't allow a midterm tell you to drink the whole milkshake. Instead you will find other ways to cope with stress that will actually help you, more than any item of food can. 

I have now learned to master my stress and I want to help you deal with yours. I had some help from a psychologist who taught me some methods, but I also had to do a lot of research of my own. Keep in my mind, as you read my suggestions, that everybody is different and what might work for me may not necessarily work for you. 

How to deal with stress and avoid stress eating: 

1. Exercise- Even just a brisk 15 minute walk or a short visit to the gym will cause positive endorphins to take over your body and fill it with good vibes. If you're stressed, stay away from weights, which may leave you feeling even more stressed and tense. 

2. Meditation- I was so hesitant about meditation when my psychologist first brought up the idea, but it really does wonders. She suggested, which is also available in app form called Calm. On Calm you can pick your amount of time anywhere between two minutes and 1 hour. I usually do 5 minutes when I'm feeling anxious, but you need to test it for yourself and find your perfect amount of time. The app and website are equipped with a soothing voice to guide you and peaceful music! 

3. Stretching/yoga- Some people prefer yoga classes, which are awesome if you're into that sort of thing! Personally I find stretching and constantly falling down in front of people not only embarrassing but even more stressful, and since I'm trying to avoid that, I just do it on my own. Pinterest is a great resource for finding beginner yoga poses. Also you can just do some simple stretches and practice deep breathing for a few minutes! 

4. Massage- If you don't have the luxury of going to get one, find someone willing to give you a massage. You'd be surprised as to how many people will give you one if you promise to massage them after (it's only fair!). 

5. Do something spontaneous- get out of your stressful environment for a few hours or even the day. Go to the zoo or the movies or the mall. Get out of that stress filled campus!! 

6. Crafts and Art- This doesn't work for everyone, it's kind of a hit or miss for me! Take a trip to the craft store and invest in something to create, something that interests you. There's an awesome pottery painting place near my campus that offers discounts every week via there Facebook! Maybe you have something fun like that too, so your research. 

7. Socialize- It's probably not right for me to say go to a party, but... Go to a party. Socializing can have the same effects as exercise on your endorphins. Just don't turn to alcohol or food at the party to help you. Alcohol is just like food in the sense that it may help you for short amount of time, but it won't have a lasting effect and it may cause you even more stress and anxiety. 

8. Talk to someone close to you- Vent to a friend or family member, someone who will help you. Don't talk to someone who may end up stressing you out even more. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Workout of the Week: You wanna tabata?

In case you were wondering...
"Tabata training (aka, the Tabata Protocol) is a type of high intensity interval training that follows a specific format:
  • 20 seconds of a  high intensity exercise 
  • 10 seconds of rest"
So here's my tabata workout:

Set a timer for 10 minutes. Do each of these for 20 seconds each with 10 second breaks between each. Do as many as possible in 10 minutes (you should get through them all at least, twice). 

  • plank 
  • jumping jacks
  • bicycle crunches
  • tricep dips
  • squats (whichever type you prefer)
  • wall sit
  • butt kicks 
  • push-ups 
  • high knees 
Finish with an active recovery by either running for three minutes or biking for three minutes (some type of slow cardio will do). 

Recipe of the Week: Oregano and Thyme Chicken Strips

These are perfect for meal prep! Pan seared chicken strips are great on salads or with veggies, which is why I make these!

  • Package of thinly slice chicken breasts 
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (divided)
  • oregano 
  • thyme 


Cut the chicken into fajita like strips. In a medium sized bowl mix one tablespoon olive oil, a dash or two of oregano, and a dash or two of thyme. Place the raw chicken in the oil mix and hand toss. Warm up a skillet with one tablespoon olive oil. Place chicken in the skillet and cook until fully done, carefully watching (about 10 minutes). 

Eat some when it first comes out but save the rest to toss with your salads for the rest of the week or veggies and maybe even some quinoa! 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Navigating the Dining Halls

One of the excitements of college is the food. I come from a family of mediocre chefs, therefore, having the luxury of eating whatever I want, and on top of that, it being good food, was probably one of the most exciting parts of the first weeks of college for me. Being able to eat any food and as much food as you want to eat is a blessing and a curse. The blessing is that there is always a variety and you can usually find something you like and the curse is that binge eating can become a serious problem.

My friends and I loved to eat dinner together but with mixed schedules it was a rare occasion, mainly just a weekend event, and a long one at that. We could be in the dining hall for two hours just catching up on the week and of course eating while doing so. For some people talking while eating a meal is great because it gives the person more time to digest their food, but for some, like myself, this is not the case. For me if I am sitting around talking to my friends for two hours there can be times where the conversation does not necessarily peak my interest, which leads to boredom, which leads to overeating.

If you know your friends are like this, start with one item at a time. I usually go for a salad first and from their go for the fish or chicken option of the day. If you still find the need to eat after your first two courses, continue on the healthy route by returning to the salad bar for cucumbers, which are practically water, and yet still fill you up. For me cucumbers have become chips, which is why if I decide to take food to-go I usually fill a cup with cucumbers and store them in my fridge for later.

Ahhhh speaking of the to-go boxes...

A great option that dining halls have to offer is the option to take food to-go. This usually works well for me if I have a night class or know I will be busy. This is also a great way to control your portions. If you choose the to-go option, only take one box and a soup cup. Fill your box up with the food you want, which should contain a protein (chicken, turkey, etc) or omega-3 (fish) and vegetables (no bread, no pasta, and none of those cookies that are calling your name). Look at your box before leaving and make sure that your box is three-fourths green, meaning that three-fourths of your food is vegetables. This is made possible by simply asking for say, salmon, and a double helping of asparagus. The doubling of the asparagus, or vegetable of your choice, will take up more room in your box and will eliminate the need for starches and carbs.

Now for the tiny soup cup. Skip the high sodium chicken noodle; unless you’re sick, in that case I feel your pain. Fill the soup cup, or a normal beverage cup, with extra veggies to store in your fridge for anytime snacking. I usually go for cucumbers but sometimes mix it up by choosing carrots or peppers. If your dining hall offers hummus take a tablespoon of that as well, but don't make a habit of it because the hummus could be high in preservatives. While you’re still there, take an apple for the morning or a citrus fruit, such as an orange or grapefruit. While bananas are filling and full of potassium, they are high in carbs and calories and they go straight to your stomach (say no to belly fat). An apple, on the other hand, provides a filling snack that is surprisingly easy to eat between classes. That line, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is no joke!

When it comes to breakfast in the dining halls, be very careful. Hopefully your school has an omelet station because that's the best option. Load an omelet with veggies and no cheese! If that's not an option go for oatmeal, fruit, eggs, or a healthy cereal option. 

I hope this helps you get through the hustle and bustle of the dining halls without giving into temptation. 


Once in a while it's okay to enjoy a treat in the dining hall. In fact you should allow yourself something. Maybe it's a basket of fries that's calling your name or some ice cream, whatever it is, allow yourself a treat once a week, but don't finish it all. Chances are the servings the dining hall gives you, or that you give yourself, are too big, so just don't clean the plate or bowl. A general rule for portioning is the size of your palm. Treating yourself may get you through the week. I know that if I tell myself I can have a slice of pizza on Sunday night, then the whole week ahead I will make sure I make good choices!