Losing weight it all about motivation. Not even just losing weight, LIFE is about motivation. Every morning I have to motivate myself to not hit the snooze button on my phone and actually get out of bed so I can run or walk before work. This type of motivation is a lot easier to accomplish, but trying to motivate yourself to lose weight or to not eat that delicious looking donut is a lot harder to do.
One thing I've learned on my journey is that motivation is all about learning how to talk to yourself. Not talking to yourself in the crazy type of way, but talking to yourself in a positive way. If you stop putting yourself down and learn how to boost yourself up, then motivation will spark.
For example....
Instead of telling yourself that you are five pounds behind where you want to be, you need to remind yourself how great you are doing and that you just need to push a little harder this week.
And tell yourself you can do it. EVERYDAY.
If you're going through the journey of weight loss, good for you! If you are following a diet and exercise program or strategy, that's awesome, but something that is often forgotten in the process is encouragement. What's going to keep you going? How are you going to push away from the piece of pie? Well, the answer to those questions, is your mind. Your mind is powerful in the process and it can make or break you! When I'm lacking a positive mindset towards losing weight and I need a little motivation, I look up fitness quotes and they really brighten my mood!
Here's some of my favorite quotes:
"Focus on how far you've come not how far you have to go."
"Let exercise be your stress reliever, not food."
"This is the beginning of anything you want."
"You have a choice. You can throw in the towel or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face."
"One of the greatest moments in life is realizing that two weeks ago, your body couldn't do what it just did."
"No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying."
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