If you've read my background, or some of my other posts, you probably know that I've suffered from insecurity and self consciousness for most of my young adulthood and teenage years. The worst feeling in the world is when you realize something is wrong with you. Maybe it's that zit on your chin, that bump on your nose, or maybe that pudge in your stomach. For me it was the latter. I looked at the extra poundage that I had and I let it take over my life. The extra weight decided that I would be a recluse and make poor eating decisions, until one day, I had enough. Instead of being insecure, I decided I needed a change. So I took my insecurities, and made them my motivation.
From the day I took a picture of my overweight stomach, I looked at it everyday. I didn't necessarily look at other peoples stomachs and decide those were what I wanted, but I looked at my own stomach, and decided that it was the stomach I never wanted to have again. By looking at the picture everyday, I constantly pushed myself to do something. To change. I couldn't just look at the picture and say I was going to change, but I had to put in work. So when I looked at my stomach, I told myself I needed to run the extra mile and skip the dessert.
I no longer have that problem. I love the way my stomach looks now and I am confident in it and myself, but don't get me wrong, there are plenty of days where I still find something wrong and start to feel insecure. But I've learned to not let the insecurity take over my life. I still decide to change when something is not okay in my eyes. A few weeks ago I decided that I needed to tone my arms more because I didn't like how they looked, and so I worked on them.
So what is holding you back? What is your greatest insecurity? Whether it be something small or something big, make the change. Your change may be life changing, or something very small, but change is change, and it is usually for the better. Take the things that make you insecure and self conscious and use them as your motivation to change.
Have an awesome week :)
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