- Treat food as an experience- Treating food as an experience basically means consuming in moderation and really taking in what you are eating. Instead of eating too much of one thing, just try everything. It's better if you take a piece of turkey, a spoonful of mashed potatoes, a spoonful of mac and cheese, and a spoonful of green bean casserole, than say eating a whole plate of mashed potatoes. Never eat to much of one thing, everything is okay in moderation. Make sure when you eat foods that you don't normally eat, like pumpkin pie, bread, or mashed potatoes, that you are aware of what you are eating. Think about the food. When you think about how rich the food is, you are less likely to go for seconds. Enjoy the rich qualities of holiday food, but in moderation :)
- Stop standing and eating- During the holidays I often find myself standing around a table full of food, mingling with friends, and before I know it I ate half the plate of cookies. DO NOT BE THE COOKIE MONSTER. Mingle while standing and find a seat when you are ready to eat. When you are standing and grabbing food, you aren't processing what you are eating, and you often forget that you ate anything at all. Be mindful about your food decisions, step away from the table, grab a seat, and eat mindfully.
- Plan accordingly- If you know you have a weekend filled with holiday parties, make sure you eat well all week and get some good workouts in. Don't starve yourself or binge, just eat as your healthy self normally would, without letting yourself cheat too much. Also, don't go to a party hungry. If you know you are going to a holiday party snack on some nuts before, because nuts suppress appetite. If you go to a holiday party starving, you will probably end up eating way too much, and a lot of food that are not necessarily healthy options.
- Make the best decisions you can in the moment- Choose your best options. You know what is healthy and what is not. You know that your plate should include a portion of protein and good carbs (vegetables, fruits, etc.). However, when presented with the overwhelming platter of unhealthy options, it can be difficult to make the right decisions. Find what's healthy first, and then take a little bit of those things that you have been craving, but ask yourself first if you really want it.
- Keep your thoughts healthy and happy.- Think happy and healthy thoughts. Keep your mind thinking about how your choices affect your health and factor in your happiness. If what makes you happy during a holiday is a piece of pie, have a piece of pie, but not two. If what makes you happy is going for a walk with a friend, go for a walk. Stay healthy, but also stay happy, because those two things co-exist. When your thoughts and body are happy, you are more likely to make healthy choices.
Also keep in mind that the holidays do not excuse you from exercising. Keep up the hard work in the gym or wherever you workout! It will pay off :)
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