Starting years ago, I found myself turning to food when I had any sort of stress or anxiety. It was easy for me to escape the problem by eating a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's or a box of Oreos. But the truth is, when I got to the bottom of the pint or the end of the box, I didn't feel any better, in fact on top of being stressed I would also have a stomach ache. I even starting thinking that having a stomach ache after eating was completely normal, which I now realize is messed up on so many levels (talk about an unhealthy habit).
For students especially, stress eating is something I must warn you about. It will happen to you at some point if you let it. But you are smarter than that. You won't allow a midterm tell you to drink the whole milkshake. Instead you will find other ways to cope with stress that will actually help you, more than any item of food can.
I have now learned to master my stress and I want to help you deal with yours. I had some help from a psychologist who taught me some methods, but I also had to do a lot of research of my own. Keep in my mind, as you read my suggestions, that everybody is different and what might work for me may not necessarily work for you.
How to deal with stress and avoid stress eating:
1. Exercise- Even just a brisk 15 minute walk or a short visit to the gym will cause positive endorphins to take over your body and fill it with good vibes. If you're stressed, stay away from weights, which may leave you feeling even more stressed and tense.
2. Meditation- I was so hesitant about meditation when my psychologist first brought up the idea, but it really does wonders. She suggested, which is also available in app form called Calm. On Calm you can pick your amount of time anywhere between two minutes and 1 hour. I usually do 5 minutes when I'm feeling anxious, but you need to test it for yourself and find your perfect amount of time. The app and website are equipped with a soothing voice to guide you and peaceful music!
3. Stretching/yoga- Some people prefer yoga classes, which are awesome if you're into that sort of thing! Personally I find stretching and constantly falling down in front of people not only embarrassing but even more stressful, and since I'm trying to avoid that, I just do it on my own. Pinterest is a great resource for finding beginner yoga poses. Also you can just do some simple stretches and practice deep breathing for a few minutes!
4. Massage- If you don't have the luxury of going to get one, find someone willing to give you a massage. You'd be surprised as to how many people will give you one if you promise to massage them after (it's only fair!).
5. Do something spontaneous- get out of your stressful environment for a few hours or even the day. Go to the zoo or the movies or the mall. Get out of that stress filled campus!!
6. Crafts and Art- This doesn't work for everyone, it's kind of a hit or miss for me! Take a trip to the craft store and invest in something to create, something that interests you. There's an awesome pottery painting place near my campus that offers discounts every week via there Facebook! Maybe you have something fun like that too, so your research.
7. Socialize- It's probably not right for me to say go to a party, but... Go to a party. Socializing can have the same effects as exercise on your endorphins. Just don't turn to alcohol or food at the party to help you. Alcohol is just like food in the sense that it may help you for short amount of time, but it won't have a lasting effect and it may cause you even more stress and anxiety.
8. Talk to someone close to you- Vent to a friend or family member, someone who will help you. Don't talk to someone who may end up stressing you out even more.
How do you not eat all the good stuff? Like pizza and chocolate?
ReplyDeleteI use willpower.... I know it can be hard but sometimes you need to ask yourself if you really need the slice of pizza or piece of chocolate... and most of the time you don't, but if you really want it once in a while, and only eat it once in a while, the pizza and chocolate will taste so much better. Everything is okay in moderation. So maybe allow yourself chocolate once a week and pizza every other week!